Darwin Smith - Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review

Here’s an Exclusive “Sneak-Peek” of What Else You’ll Find in the Grow Taller 4 Idiots™ System:

  • You’ll gain 2-4 inches to your stature in 6-8 weeks... GUARANTEED!

  • The 3 Single Most Important Elements to Height-Gain... pg. 13-29

  • Sneaky “2-Second Quick Fix” you can use to “look” taller instantly... pg. 33.

  • The EXACT amount of sleep you should be getting to maximize your fullest height potential... pg. 36

  • The Simplest Way To Gain Height While You Sleep! How to position yourself during sleep for MAXIMUM Height-Gain overnight... pg. 39

  • BETTER THAN SQUATS! The PERFECT 15 Minute Height Boosting Exercise! Pg. 43-54

  • The TRUTH About How You Sit... you’ve been sitting wrong your WHOLE life... sit this way from now on and you WILL ... straighten your spine and add MASSIVE gains to your height! pg. 97

  • TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL! ...100% Natural and Safe... Advanced Exercises designed to literally stretch the body and contribute to MASSIVE height gains safely... pg. 57-76

  • How to EXPLOIT this “Wonder-Vitamin” and use it for MASSIVE height-gains... get the exact amount you need in just 10 minutes a day ...pg 29.

  • The Calorie Consumption Secret... how to reach your maximum height potential by monitoring how much food you are eating... pg 31.

  • The Fastest and Easiest way to gain 2-5 inches a month!

  • The Amazing “Sunlight” Trick... and what it has to do with you growing dramatically taller... pg. 29

  • The Most Effective Way to maintain your height... do this daily and you will NEVER lose your height-gains! pg. 77

  • Posture secrets - your posture habits are PREVENTING you from growing taller... see if you’re doing any of these... (chances are, that you are!) PLUS! a little posture trick I know that will make you appear MUCH taller you than you actually are... pg. 67

  • WARNING: Why You Should Not Go On A Diet... pg. 32

  • SCIENTIFCALLY PROVEN TO INCREASE YOUR HGH LEVELS BY A CRAZY 300% ...with this very potent “height-boosting” cocktail... the exact same cocktail Phillip showed me how to make that night at his apartment......I still drink this EVERY SINGLE DAY! pg 36.

  • Hairstyles you should AVOID at all costs! pg. 72

  • 2 Vital Ingredients Your LAST Meal Of The Day MUST Have From Now On... plus two foods you should AVOID at all costs... pg. 38

  • Do this 10 times every 3 Hours... pg. 69

  • The Miracle Supplement... the ONLY supplement I recommend you take... will give your body EVERY essential mineral and vitamin you NEED for height-gain PLUS! this particular supplement will increase your HGH production to very concentrated levels... pg. 40

  • Exercises that actually HINDER height-gain! Pg. 51

  • Sneaky little Appearance Tricks... You Can Use To Appear Taller Than You Actually Are! There are certain types of clothes that will make you look taller INSTANTLY... there are also certain types of clothing that will make you look short... here’s what you should be wearing... Pg. 70

  • More Exercise Is Good For Growing Taller Right? ...WRONG! It will actually HINDER Height-Gain in some cases... pg. 52

  • Easy-To-Use Mathematical Formula! ...that shows you how much calories you SHOULD be eating for you to gain maximum height... HIGHLY ACCURATE! pg. 57

  • THE TRUTH ABOUT WEIGHT TRAINING... does it hinder your bone growth and make you shorter or does it help grow taller? Pg. 64